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tv   Happening Now  FOX News  December 9, 2013 8:00am-10:01am PST

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bill: nicely done. welcome home. martha is back tomorrow. get your shopping done, kid. >> i know what about you? have you done yours? bill: i'm almost finished actually. >> i don't believe you. bill: true story. "happening now" starts right now. jenna: start off with a fox news alert. in newton, connecticut, school and police officials are holding a news conference in a few moments taking questions from the media. it is nearly a year since the deadly shooting at sandy hook elementary school and law enforcement officials and officials from the town are getting ahead of what will come. there is no public remembrance they say. they are asking media to stay clear of the town that suffered so freightly on december 14th last year. 20 young children and six educators were murdered that day on december 14th, 2012. this saturday, marks a year since that horrific event. as you can see the news conference is beginning.
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we'll monitor what the officials have to say and bring you any headlines moments from now. today's top headlines and brand new stories you will sear here first. jon: the obamacare website gets a makeover. new options are able if you're shopping. with deadline looming do the updates matter? wild weekend weather across the u.s. and more is on the way. meteorologist maria molina on where people should be preparing now. silicon valley versus washington. the nation's top tech companies teaming up to send a message to uncle sam. ease up on all snooping. it is all "happening now." jon: well the obamacare website getting a face-lift but ongoing problems with the federal exchange may be more than skin deep. i hope you had a good weekend. good morning to you.
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i'm jon scott. jenna: does obamacare cover facelifts? is that a question we're leading with today. jon: let's hope not. >> hi, everybody. i'm jenna lee. has a new look if you check it out online. it lets shoppers see insurance plans before they buy and whether they qualify for tax subsidies to lower costs. there are so-called back end problems the way customers get information to insurance companies may mean some people who think they are signing up won't actually be covered. earlier this morning on "fox & friends" former vice president dick cheney said the long list of issues with the law is evidence that the government should stay out of personal health care. take a listen. >> the idea that the government that can't bring us a website that will function effectively is now also going to deliver a better health care system, i just find ridiculous. if you can't design and run a website, what the heck are you doing messing with the health care system of the united states? jenna: peter doocy is live in washington with more on this story and has been looking at
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the website since it launched, peter. what can customers do today and see today they couldn't on launch day? >> reporter: jenna it is very easy to see your deductible and out-of-pocket costs right next to your potential premium and that information is available for the first time on one screen after just answering a few simple questions about where you live, and how old you are. so that's new. but there are still big problems with the website because one in 10 consumers are still encountering enrollment errors. however that number was much higher for october and november when one in four consumers had errors. >> basically cms is telling us that that those errors encompass a range of things. duplicates, technical information. listen to this. >> it is important to note that errors could also encompass a range of things from duplicates to technical information displayed or conveyed improperly
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to some not being generated. >> reporter: so a quarter of everyone who thinks they enrolled during the first two months of might not be and on top of that if consume remembers not covered by january 1st, jenna, they will face a fine. jenna: what do republican who is have been opposed to the law what are they saying now that the site is working better? >> reporter: republicans are still predicting a lot of sticker shock, jenna, especially with young people. this weekend we heard senator rand paul suggest a new option. >> the republican plan is, freedom of choice, more choices, not less. obamacare narrows your choices. we're for competition. we're for selling insurance across state lines and above all, we're for driving premiums down. >> reporter: so the administration is working hard to fix and now somewhat ironically, president obama is urging young americans to work hard and become programmers.
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>> no one's born a computer scientist but with a little hard work and some math and science, just about anyone can become one. this week is your chance to give it a shot, and don't let anyone tell you can't. jon: white house says they are making progress with they're just not there yet. jenna. jenna: more on this as we get it. peter, thank you. jon: there is growing outcry over what many see as an unintended side-effect of obamacare. to try to contain costs many of the new insurance plans are severely limiting access to some of the nation's top hospitals including two world-renowned cancer centers. joining us for more on all of this, bob cusack, managing editor for "the hill." we'll get to the hospital access question in just a second, bob but what do you think, first of all, of the newly-redesigned obamacare website? >> i think the story is shifting a little bit from the website problems because it is still getting better but as peter mentioned there still are
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problems but now the story is shifting to cost. remember the administration obamacare would reduce costs. certainly there will be winners and losers here. if you can't get your own doctor or hospital, those losers will be awfully loud. jon: well here is one of the consequences apparently of obamacare. "the financial times" has a story out today suggesting that many of the, the majority of insurance plans being sold on the new health care exchanges in places like new york, texas and california, for example, will not offer patients access to memorial sloane kettering in manhattan or m.d. anderson cancer center in houston, two top cancer centers or cedars-sinai in los angeles, one of the top researching and teaching hospitals in the country. i guess there is a reason they are the top hospital. they come with a price tag and obamacare is generally not going to let people get coverage that will allow them to access those hospitals. >> yeah, these are some of the
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top cancer hospitals and this is, what looks likes an unintended consequences of obamacare. now the administration says that insurers have long-picked the hospital that is are in different plans but at the same time we are a new system and that's because of what passed in 2010. so, i mean, jon, unemployment got down to 7% last week. this should be a good time for the white house but more and more you're seeing the white house legacy tied to obamacare. the president's numbers are very low. regardless of the economic news and what republicans are saying that obamacare will actually be hurting the economy as we get into 2014 and 2015. jon: well, one health care policy expert who was quoted in "the financial times" says it is tantamount to the decision consumers have to make when they buy a car. do you want a mercedes or want a chevy? if you want better health care you are in some circumstances able to pay for it but what if, you know, if these obamacare plans won't let these patients
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access some of the better hospitals, what are they supposed to do? >> oh, i think there will be a lot of people upset, whether cancer consumer groups or patient groups. they will be making the case for changes to the law. as you know, jon, that will be very hard to do with such a partisan law. so i think the consequences we're seeing whether on cost, high deductibles, whether it is on premiums, that's something that will be very, very hard to fix because there is a limit of what the administration can do administratively. a lot of republicans saying that he already gone too far, the president has gone too far on those executive powers. jon: "the wall street journal" has a report out, speaking of deductibles, saying the average deductible for the bronze plan under obamacare, the cheapest plan there is, $5081 a year. so you would have to come up with more than five grand out-of-pocket before your coverage starts to kick in? >> yeah. and hospitals are very concerned about that because they will treat patients no matter what. a lot of patients who think,
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okay, i don't need a low deductible, i'm fairly healthy. basically get sir, they will not be able to afford those deductibles. that will fall on hospitals. they will be concerned about the price tag they will have to pick up for those patients. jon: bob cusack from "the hill." every day a different story it seems with this new program. we'll keep an eye on it. >> thanks, jon. jenna: in other news a powerful storm affecting millions across this country and drivers could barely see the roads as snow pounded pennsylvania. take a look at that the. cars getting stranded. tow trucks called out. that is in pennsylvania. in austin, texas, a 10-year-old was killed over the weekend on a crash on icy road there. the child was in a wrecked car on the side of a highway when hit by another car. take a look at this. those are huge sheets of ice
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falling from an apartment building in plano, texas. holy moly is right as the woman said on video. thankfully no one was hurt. a lot of folks win juries and worse than that over the weekend of thecationsy stiegel live from dallas-ft. worth airport. tough travel in the dallas area, casey. is the situation improving there? >> reporter: jenna, it has been one heck of a weekend but things are improving on this monday. that is the silver lining here. we're seeing all the numbers going down as far as numbers of people who have to camp out here at the airport around number of flights delayed or canceled. the height of this thing was really on friday, following this defer stating and crippling ice storm when some 4,000 people had to sleep here at the airport after 90% or so of the total airport's flights were grounded. ice on the planes, ice on the runways. more than 2,000 people had to camp out here saturday night and
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650 last night. the airport putting out cots for folks who were stranded because area hotels filled up quickly. as of right now, at this hour, 714 total flights in and out of dfw international have been canceled for today. this ripple effect no doubt will be felt for days across rest of the country with the storm taking aim on the east coast now, jenna. jenna: we see some of it, the evidence of some of it, casey outside of our studio. weather is certainly a big story for the airlines but today is a very big day for american airlines. how so? >> it's a story really getting floated down because of the treacherous weather conditions but today, marks the day, that the american airlines and us airways merger is complete. it has been years in the making and that means a couple of different things. number one, it means american reemerges from bankruptcy. number two, today the new combined carrier begins trading on the nasdaq as one company,
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aal. but for consumers you're still not going to notice much. the two will continue operating separately for some time until all the systems can be integrated like we've seen with other mergers like reservation systems planes, frequent flyer programs. remember the department of justice sued to try to stop this merger from happening because of great fears this would mean less competition and higher ticket prices for you and me. >> we're going to see fewer non-stop flights. we'll see less main line service and more regional service. we're going to see more connecting flights. and ultimately we'll see a degradation in service and higher fares. >> reporter: that is still very much the concern as the news of this merger cops today. the lawsuit was eventually dropped, you remember, after american airlines, the new american, gave up some gates space at crucial airports around the country in an effort to level the playing field. it will be interesting to see
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how this affects travel in this country as we move forward, jenna. jenna: a big story for the new year as well, casey. thank you. >> reporter: yeah. >> we're following several stories this hour. there are new concerns about mental health care in this country after a virginia state lawmaker was brutally attacked by his own son. protesters take to the streets in ukraine, pulling down a statue of lenin. we'll tell you why they're so upset. that is next. [shouting] every day we're working to be an even better company -
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and to keep our commitments. and we've made a big commitment to america. bp supports nearly 250,000 jobs here. through all of our energy operations, we invest more in the u.s. than any other place in the world. in fact, we've invested over $55 billion here in the last five years - making bp america's largest energy investor. our commitment has never been stronger.
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jon: trouble in kiev. hundred of thousands of protesters pouring into the streets of ukraine's capitol. protesters want the president ousted for abandoning a pact with the european union in favor of closer economic ties with russia.
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protesters see it as an attempt to recreate the soviet union. they showed opposition by toppling a statue of former soviet leader of lenin and attacking it with hammers. the statue has been there since 1946. protesters warning ukraine's president that he is next. protesters occupied key public buildings creating blockades and tents on busy roads. they are encouraging him to find a peaceful way to resolve the crisis. jenna: a violent attack on a virginia state law maker is raising new concerns and questions about the state of mental health care in this country. state senator creigh deeds was stabbed multiple times by his son last month. his son gus had just been released from a mental health facility because, according to these reports there were enough beds he was on the streets. sadly places where people are turned away from mental health facilities is so common it has a name. it is called streeting.
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mike tobin is taking a closer look live in chicago with more. mike? >> reporter: the nation generally slips back into the same old debate about gun control. only recently have been discussing inadequacies with detect and caring for american tally ill people or protecting the public from them. you don't need to look farther than the cook county jail to see the standard practice is to arrest mentally ill people and turn them out to the street and repeat the process. [shouting] dealing with the mentally ill people in the throes of a psychotic episode. >> back up. back up. >> reporter: this is part of every day, not at a mental hospital but the cook county jail. >> you have the voices and you see something? okay. >> reporter: the jail is the largest mental health care provider in the nation. you can see they're not supposed to be here. they shouldn't be here. we're not quipped to treat them.
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>> reporter: the problem started in the '60s with deinstitutionalization and closing mental hospitals with no places for sick people to go. they turn to the street and often for jail. >> over the last few decades it has grown to where the jails have become the defacto mental health institutions. >> reporter: the crimes are usually non-violent, trespassing, stealing food. zick people self-medicate and steal to take drugs. >> you have to break the pattern. >> reporter: the staff at cook county often sees the same person dozens times. >> when you get arrested is there a part of you relieved? >> in some sense. because i know i will get my medication. >> reporter: there are some legislative efforts, nothing revolutionary. the national liance for mental illness says the nation spends $9 billion annually warehousing mentally ill people in county jails. jenna? jenna: great story for us today, mike and one we'll continue to watch. thank you. jon: there is trouble at the top in north korea. kim jong-un kicks out his own uncle from a leadership role as
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he increasingly seems to assert more control over the hermit kingdom. we'll explain what is going on there coming up. sentencing today for the former san diego mayor who resigned in a sexual harrassment scandal.
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jenna: right now stories we're watching this hour on "happening now." the president and mrs. obama on their wear to south africa to attend the memorial service for nelson mandela. they will be joined by three american presidents and first ladies and 100 heads of state a big story for us. a new mexico state police officer that shot at a minivan
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full of children in october, plans to appeal his firing claiming wrongful termination. the video shows the officer shooting at minivan as it drives away. there is more to that story. the shipwrecked costa concordia when the captain left his ship, he is on trial for manslaughter abandoning the ship and causing the 2012 shipwreck because of sailing too close to the island. jon: north korean leader kim jong-un sending a tough message that no one is beyond reach in his regime even his family. he ousted his uncle at a leadership role after the uncle was arrested at a party sunday. this is far from kim jong-un's first purge. jonathan hunt is live with more. jonathan? >> reporter: very interesting, jon. this is a clear sign that kim jong-un, the leader of north korea very much wants to could consolidate and demonstrate his power.
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in the two years he has been the north korean leader, his uncle has been very much been the power behind the thrown. now he has been thrown out in disgrace. take a look at these pictures from a party meeting over the weekend. that is tac being escorted out of that party meeting. now many purges have happened in north korea but few have been made as public as this one. with those pictures being released, also a long statement read on state television, giving what the party said were the reasons for uncle jong being purged. statement said in part, quote, abusing his power, he engrossed in irregularities and corruption. had improper relations with several women and was wined andy restaurants. idealogically sick and extremely idle he used drugs and squandered foreign currency at casinos while he was receiving medical treatment in a foreign country under the care of the
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party. so what does all this mean for north korea and indeed for the united states? experts worry that it could lead to greater instability and a power struggle within the regime. that of course never good in an already-unpredictable nuclear-armed nation. also worth remembering while merrill newman, an american korean war vet who was seized in north korea back in october was released this weekend and came home to california, kenneth bey, another american, is still being held. he is a christian missionary of course who has been held for more than one year now. any instability in north korea, of course, jon and jenna, makes it much harder for diplomats here to work to get kenneth bey home. jon: pretty string situation there. >> reporter: always is. jon: jonathan hunt. thank you. jenna: back at home, the disis grad former mayor of san diego is back in the spotlight. bob filner will be sentenced for sexually harassing women at campaign events or city hall.
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filner will probably not be serving prison time. because after plea deal he will get three months of home confinement, three years of probation and mandatory mental health treatment. 19 women accused him of inappropriate behavior during his time in office. jon: some silicon valley giants say the nsa went to far greater lengths to collect data on americans than they first thought. what some of the biggest names in technology like google and facebook are trying to do bit. a major storm causing chaos on the roads and creating a nightmare for air travelers as well. meteorologist maria molina will have your forecast next.
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♪ sing polly wolly doodle all the day ♪ ♪ hah
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jon: coverage you'll only see here on "happening now" a storm that's dumped plenty of snow across parts of the midwest now setting sights on the northeast. your full forecast only moments away. jury selection begins today in the newlywed murder trial in montana. woman accused of pushing her husband off a cliff. she says it was an accident. and we'll look at a new request from the nation's top tech companies. they're teaming up to urge the n.s.a. to reign in the spying on america. >> plus continuing to monitor some dangerous weather across this country. snow and ice causing a 30 car pileup on a wisconsin highway on sunday. the slick conditions also blamed for a fatal rollover outside of
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milwaukee and the mid atlantic and northeast also getting slammed. that system is moving right into new england right now. more snowy weather is on the way but really, a lot of cold temperatures across the country. here is more. >> that's right. we do have the storm system we're tracking and this storm left behind a record 8.6 inches of snowfall across places like philadelphia, parts of delaware picking up over eight inches of snowfall. really incredible what played out yesterday on sunday across portions of the mid atlantic and now across parts of new england. you can see the snow coming down but others areas south like new york city, you have the rain coming to an end. we saw some snowfall yesterday in new york city and then transitioned in the overnight as temperatures started to warm up and we saw that complete transition over to rain so it's a big mess across parts of the northeast and mid atlantic but while we do have a storm system exiting later today across new england, we actually have a brand new storm system that will be arriving as we head into the overnight tonight and also into
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tomorrow. get what? this storm is going to have temperatures cold enough that some precipitation from the storm is going to come in the form of snowfall. for the same areas across places like washington, d.c., philadelphia, up to parts of connecticut and even massachusetts. again, you are going to be getting another round of snowfall coming into tomorrow. if snowfall accumulation is not expected to be very significant. the exception will be the areas down wind of the great lakes by tuesday into wednesday. later in the day you're going to start to see the lake-effect snow picking up and some could be seeing a foot of snow out here, especially off lake ontario. you can see the forecast here. some of the higher elevations across the mid atlantic could see over six inches of snow. cities like washington, d.c., three to maybe five inches of snow forecast through tomorrow of the philadelphia, new york city, accumulations a little lower, one to three inches in
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the forecast which is going to be making a bit of a mess for many commutes as you head into basically to work and even home from work later in the day. and jenna, those temperatures very cold. take a look at minneapolis. this is what it currently fields like when you head out the door. 22 degrees below zero. that's minneapolis. it feels like nine below in denver, one below in rapid city and the actual high temperatures today really not warming up a whole lot. minneapolis, your actual high just zero degrees, 20's across chicago, kansas city, denver and rapid city and it's going to stay very cold out there throughout this week. head over to you. >> when your high is zero degrees, you know it's really cold. maria, thank you. >> thank you. jon: usually they are fierce competitors. but now apple, google and facebook are uniting to protest to the federal government. eight big technology companies joining forces to call for limits on government surveillance. this after revelations of aggressive data collection by the n.s.a. fox business correspondent is
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here with more. joe? >> that's right. world's most famous tech companies are pushing president obama and members of congress saying they strongly believe current laws and practices about surveillance need to be changed. a.o.l., apple, facebook, google, linkedin, microsoft, twiter and yahoo created the coalition. they said we understand that government has a duty to protect the citizens but this summer's revelations highlighted the urgent need to reform government surveillance practices worldwide. letter goes on to read, the balance in many countries have tipped too far in favor of the state and away from the rights of the individual, rights that are in our constitution that undernines the freedom we all cherish. c.e.o. including twitter, that of yahoo, facebook and google c.e.o. put fourth five clear goals they want to accomplish on the website calling on governments to limit
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surveillance to specific users, not to collect data in bulk and ask that companies have the right to publicish what the government demands from them, what they ask for and how often. this call for change comes at the same time as reports reveal that american and british spies are using popular video games like world of warcraft and second life to conduct surveillance and gather data about millions of people around the world. intelligent operatives become avatars and they also use it to recruit potential informers. this was revealed by the "new york times" and thanks to edward snowden. jon: thanks. jenna: if you were a spy, you would be a super model, an avatar. jon: i'm sure i would pick something like that. jenna: or an elf. interesting story in the "new york times" today. we'll bring in cyber security expert who raised some red flags about the safety of the obamacare website, david kennedy. he's the president and c.e.o.
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let's start big and broad here. is the biggest threat to our personal security online, the government or is it private companies who we willingly give a lot of data to? >> i think it's both. privacy is a major concern for everybody right now and we do give a lot of our information to private areas. jenna: let's focus a little bit about that because that was also a big story today. tower dumps. what are they? >> so the way tower dumps work, there's a couple of techniques. one is obtaining the call records that someone goes and uses on a normal phone. they can grab all the information from cell towers that end up going through the cellular communications. second is a technique that's called man in the middle which allows to you intercept information from the south towers and have the equipment there actually act as a cell tower interpret so you can intercept and grab all the
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communications. jenna: jessica ridgeway was a little girl kidnapped and the police, local law enforcement in the area did a tower dump and apparently, they collected tens of thousands of data points from five different cell towers in the hope of trying to find this little girl. if i was in that area, i'm not connected to the case, what would they see of my personal data? >> they would see everything that you did on your phone in the local cell tower areas. they would see everybody you called during those specific periods of time, time stamped data, the time you made the calls, possibly s.m.s. data or text messages, g.p.s. locations, all of those can be grabbed from the cell towers amid a tower dump. jenna: law enforcement said this helped us. in this case with the little girl, it did indirectly help them find the suspect and the fin said it's particularly helpful in bank robbery cases as
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well. so is it worth it? if they're not really snooping into my phone number but finding the bad guys out there -- >> i think there's a fine balance. all of this can be done without a warrant which means that they can go on, they can pull as much information as they want to with little rhyme or reason to why they need to do it and i think that's the major concern. it's not that we shouldn't give law enforcement the adequate tools to do their job and find the bad guys but it needs to be done in a way that doesn't expose privacy concerns around american people, that can be done in a general perspective. if you look what happened with n.s.a., they had individuals that were looking at cheating spouses and things like that. nothing with government security. and that's the major concern here. what are they doing to have oversight to ensure our personal information isn't at risk? jenna: in that one case of jessica ridgeway, 150,000 numbers were collected just to give folks an idea what's
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involved in one case. where does the private company come in here then, david? and how do you see that rule changing with private consumers? will i be turning to my private company to give them even more of my personal data so i trust them in protecting me or is there an way that i can protect myself as an individual? >> if you look what's happening, they're taking the government threat very seriously but google notoriously five or six years ago made the claim that information that you give to us is basically open and it should be indexed to all of those areas. so you have to be con -- cognizant of what you put online. microsoft came out recently with the and said we don't look at any of your information. we're really trying to step up our security measures to protect against eavesdropping with the government but still it comes back to making sure what type of information you post online is kept on your computer only and keep it encrypted.
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make sure that you have safeguards. jenna: do you think that ban dor a's box is already open? we're taking our private information back? it's a scary thought but are we already at that tipping point? >> i think we are but i think that there's things we can do from here on out. i don't think we can fix the information we put on there because it's already out there. you know, the stories that came out with edward snowden, they had the ability to crack some of the most commercial grade encryption and look at information that they want to or getting access to back end google data infrastructure, pandora's box is open. there's little colleagues that protects us when it comes to online information even as u.s. citizens and corporate companies inside the united states are fighting back our own government to not steal our own information. we're past that point but there's things we can do from here on out and cheers -- there's a lot of us in the security industry that are protecting our information from here on out. jenna: we want to go through all your personal devices. >> you got it.
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jenna: and find out what you do. in the business i know you have your own security company but it would be interesting to see how you operate on a daily basis. >> thank you very much. take care. jon: a woman accused of pushing her new husband off a cliff to his death while they were on their honeymoon. she said it was all an accident. the newlywed murder trial it's called begins today. we'll have a live report next. and they're not just in science fiction movies anymore. nano robots playing a big role in a new medical treatment. and our networks are getting crowded. t if congress, the fcc, and the administration free up... more licensed wireless spectrum, we can empower more... people to novate, create new technoloes and jobs... and strengthen the economy. america is the world's leader in wireless. free up linsed spectrum today, so wireless... let's keep it that way.
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can do more foamerica tomorrow.
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jenna: the world preparing to say goodbye to nelson mandela. latest from south africa on a massive memorial service that's expected to draw hundreds of thousands of people. also serious charges levied at our nation's top spy. what national intelligence director is being accused of doing. and some of us in the northeast
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could really use this right now. it is an awesome new invention that takes the back breaking part out of shovelling snow. created by very own college students here in north dakota. remote controlled snow plow is coming up. jon: jury selection begins today in the murder trial of a newlywed accused of killing her husband by pushing him off a cliff. jordan graham and cody johnson had been married only eight days when they went to glacier national park last summer. prosecutors now revealing that cody johnson fell face first suggesting he was murdered, pushed. graham meantime has pleaded not dpilty claiming his death was an accident. william is live in l.a. with more. william? >> jon, jury selection got underway a few minutes ago in this trial. basically, she's accused of pushing him off the cliff and prosecutors are now revealing, of course, we know a lot more
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than we did a short time ago. now, so to speak, we've got a huge pool of jurors because people are worried about bias and that they knew too much about this case. they said there's a lot of evidence that jordan graham is a liar, she tried to cover up his death but defense says that graham was a scared 22-year-old who panicked and now that cody fell but only after she tried to protect herself during an argument. johnson and graham dated more than a year. some friends didn't approve and many describe graham as immature and socially inhe want -- inept. he grabbed her arm, she fought loose and he fell off the cliff in glacier national park. but that admission came only after a series of lies, including these. first graham told police she hadn't seen cody for days after the two went for police -- for
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church on sunday. after his death, she was texting friends about her dance moves. prosecutors say she created false email account from an imaginary person saying that johnson had gone hiking and fell to his death. then she led police directly to the murder scene and miraculously found his body 200 feet below. now, police call this first degree premeditated murder, that graham pushed her husband in the back and away he went. he may have also been blindfolded. this piece of black cloth was found near the body and the judge has yet to rule whether this will be admitted into evidence. jury selection should take about two weeks, trial up to eight days. jon: what a story. william covering it from los angeles. thanks. jenna: we'll have more next hour with the legal pabl. in the meantime, cancer break through harnessing the same techniques the human body uses to fight off the common colds.
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we'll explain coming up. and if santa's reindeers aren't cooperating come christmas eve, we have a backup plan. midtown manhattan studio, some folks around the country are getting a winter blast. more on the top stories in just a moment.
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jenna: researchers utilizing an experimental therapy similar to the way the body fights off the common cold. instead, helping the body itself attack the cancer cells and not use the chemotherapy drugs and radiation that are normally used in cancer treatments to.
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break it down, joining us once again, dr. kevin campbell, practicing cardiologist and assistant professor of medicine at the university of north carolina. so how exactly could our bodies fight off cancer like we fight off the common cold? >> there's certain immune cells in our body that attack viral infections like the common cold. these cells are called t cells and what happens in this particular situation in this experiment we've talked about today is we pull the t-cells out of the body of a patient with cancer. we use gene therapy to make them attack the cancer cells and put them back to fight the cancer. jenna: 21 young people received this treatment, 18 of them are in remission. could this be a cure for cancer? >> i think that this may be well on the way to curing diseases like cancer. i think of it as personalized
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medicine. we're using your genetic material to fight off this particular cancer. this was done in leukemias and in some children, they're seeing no cancer at three years. not everyone but the results are very promising. jenna: they also tried in adults. 37 adults with leukemia, 12 went into complete remission, eight more in partial remission. if our cells remember, put them back in our body, they fight off cancer. will they then reproduce and create cells that attack cancer for decades? >> what they've done in this particular experiment has shown us you can put these t cells back in and they make 10,000 copies of themselves and when they looked at the blood and the bone marrow of these patients down the line, they still had those t cells that remembered to fight against this particular cancer cell. this is really promising. the age of personal iedzed medicine is how we're going to cure chronic diseases like cancer, like diabetes. i think that's where we're
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going. jenna: great to have you on the program. >> thanks for having me. jon: good news there. a massive weekend storm dumped snow across the country and these guys from st. george, utah showing a fun way to take advantage of it, riding their dune buggy all over the snow filled roads. if santa's sleigh needs fixing, ask them for a ride. obamacare probably will not be covered face lifts but health is getting one. the new look for a troubled website. that's next. and fireworks on fox news sunday. the architect of obamacare saying, sure you can keep your doctor but it might cost you more. across america people are taking charge
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of their type 2 diabetes with non-insulin victoza®. for a while, i took a pill to lower my blood sugar, but it didn't get me to my goal. so i asked my doctor about victoza®. he said victoza® is different than pills.
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victoza® is proven to lower blood sugar and a1c. it's taken once-a-day, any time, and comes in a pen. and the needle is thin. victoza® is not for weight loss, but it may help you lose some weight. victoza® is an injectable prescription medicine that may improve blood sugar in adultth type 2 diabetes when used with diet and exercise. it is not recommended as the first medication to treat diabetes and should not be used in people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. victoza® has not been studied with mealtime insulin. victoza® is not insulin. do not take victoza® if you have a personal or family history of medullary thyroid cancer, multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2, or if you are allergic to victoza® or any of its ingredients. symptoms of a serious allergic reaction may include: swelling of face, lips, tongue, or throat, fainting or dizziness, very rapid heartbeat, problems breathing or swallowing, severe rash or itching. tell your doctor if you get a lump or swelling in your neck.
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serious side effects may happen in people who take victoza®, including inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis), which may be fatal. stop taking victoza® and call your doctor right away if you have signs of pancreatitis, such as severe pain that will not go away in your abdomen or from your abdomen to your back, with or without vomiting. tell your doctor about all the medicines you take and if you have any medical conditions. taking victoza® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. the most common side effects are nausea, diarrhea, and headache. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may cause kidney problems. if your pill isn't giving you the control you need ask your doctor about non-insulin victoza®. it's covered by most health plans. jenna: big developments on top stories today and other breaking news. jon: a monster of a storm pummelling a large part of the country and it's still packing plenty of power. we're tracking its next move and what it means for travellers on
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the road and in the air. plus the director of national intelligence coming under fire from an author of the patriot act. what a leading congressman is saying he did. and a newlywed accused of pushing her husband off a cliff at one of our nation's most famous national park. was it murder or just an accident? jury selection in her trial begins today. it's all "happening now." as we approach noon on the east coast, we begin with obamacare with a deadline fast approaching for folks signing up, if they want insurance come january 1. hello to you. i'm jon scott. welcome to "happening now." jenna: hope you're off to a good monday so far. health getting new face lift, and a last ditch effort by the white house to get more
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people to buy in before the headline hits two weeks from now. chief white house correspondent is live with more on all of this. ed, the architect of obamacare raising some eyebrows this weekend. while defending the administration. how so? >> well, a former top health care adviser here, one of the architects of the health care law, brother of rob emmanuel who was white house chief of staff at the time the law was being crafted so someone very influential. you'll remember how much difficulty the president had with the broken promise about basically if you like your health care plan, you can keep it. now ezekiel emmanuel seemed to be hedging on whether if you like your doctor, you can keep t. take a listen. >> the president never said you were going to have unlimited choice of any doctor in the country you want to go. >> wait. no. he asked a question. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. did he not say that, sir? >> he didn't say you can have unlimited choice. >> it's a simple yes or no
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question. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor? >> yes, but look. if you want to pay more for an insurance company that covers your doctor, you can do that. this is a matter of choice. >> so if you want to pay more, then you can keep your doctor. this is another example of how the administration may be finally fixing the website, may even be putting a new coat of paint on it, spruce it up a little bit but at the end of the day, if some of the president's promises he used to sell a law get broken, it's more hits to their credibility. jenna: i was doing a little shopping. it is easier to figure out what your insurance might look like in different states that are turning to the federal exchange to set up their exchanges. the deductibles that i saw were 2 to sometimes 10 what i'm getting through my private insurance through work right now. sticker shock is still a concern. >> "wall street journal" has a story about the deductibles being high, several thousand dollars for some people. others are lower which means a
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lot more out of your pocket. you've got to reach that deductible before some of the insurance paybacks being reimbursed are kicking in. that's who are out of your pock you go to the doctor. ron johnson says this is a big problem >> in wisconsin a young man, 27 years old, on average his insurance costs will increase by 124% from $1100 a year to over $2400 per year. that's because of obamacare. >> now, they still believe inside the white house that there are going to be bad parts for folks whose premiums are going up, there will be a lot of other people who number one, you know, will see their deductibles come down. there's going to be millions of people who didn't have health insurance before who will have that but whether all the math here actually adds up for them is still a looming question. jenna: and that's an individual question as we've heard from so many different stories across the country, both success stories and stories of a great deal of concern. ed, great to see you as always.
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thank you. jon: we are learning from one of the architects of obamacare, he says it's true that if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor but there's not a period at the end of that sentence anymore. there's an asterisk. you might have to pay more if you want to keep your doctor. you keept it during a fiery exchange with chris wallace on fox news sunday. >> people are going to have a choice whether they want to pay a certain amount for a selective network or pay more for a broader network. >> premiums will probably get up. >> that's a choice -- >> which means your premium may go up over what you were paying. in other words -- >> no one guarantees you your premium wouldn't increase. premiums have been going up. jon: joining us is bret baier, the anchor have "special report." the president was so declare --
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was so declaritive. what's going on? >> the president apologized for it in not so many words a couple of different ways and now there's basically a cleanup on aisle two and zeke emmanuel is out there trying to do it. and basically, they're saying that you're going to have to pay extra to get the doctor that you still have. there's still a question whether that is possible. basically, what we're seeing in reality is that a lot of these choices, when you go on to the exchanges, are narrowed. and even if you're paying more, it's not necessarily clear that the doctor that you have will be covered in the plan that you get based on what is in the exchanges. and as ed just mentioned, they
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do change and just by what we've seen so far in looking at the exchange across the country, exchanges across country, a lot of people are seeing that the deductibles in particular are going up significantly and maybe their premiums might be less but their deductibles are significantly greater. jon: for the last couple of months, the big story about obamacare has been that the website hasn't been working very well. now they've got some changes, they've got some fixes. the website seems to be working a little better. people are able to navigate it and when they get to the end of the rainbow, they're not liking the numbers that they find. >> right. and that's part of the sticker shock here. the administration is hoping that all of this gets to a point where it's behind them and they have enough of a surge where there's enough people on that there's this momentum that pushes it forward and that the bad stories don't overcome the good stories of people being,
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you know, helped with preexisting conditions and families who are getting health care coverage. the problem is that so far, at least, we're seeing a lot of the bad stories and we haven't yet, i don't think, scratched the surface with the total insurance at the first of the year how many people are going to be covered. there's a real question about the back end issue and whether insurers are getting all the information correctly and whether people are going to be able to connect with insurance companies to be able to pay the premiums by january 1 or whether there will be a gap. jon: just seems like ezekiel emmanuel and some others who have been dispatched to cover the pot holes have an impossible task. the president could not have been more clear. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor period. it turns out you're going to have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars out of
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pocket if you want to keep your doctor. that's not what the president said. >> no. there was no caveat. let's be clear. there was not -- if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor comma, if you want to do that you have to pay extra money. there was not -- that wasn't in the speech. he told me in an interview in 2010, if you like your plan, you can keep your plan. if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. he said that in numerous speeches. he had 54 peaspeeches on health care specifically in 2010. he spoke about health care 18 times this year alone. so yes, they were specific. they were definitely -- the administration laying this out point by point so this effort to kind of relaunch it is a tough job for them. jon: i wouldn't want to be ezekiel ee mmmanuel trying to s this. see you tonight on "special report." jenna: head of maryland's health
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care exchange quit after errors that still plague the online exchange, including repeated crashes and things got so bad in silver spring, maryland, people waited in line to use nine computers in a windowless room to fill out applications. that's according to one report. more glitches stopped them from even successfully enrolling hours and hours later. problems like this forced rebecca pierce to step down on friday after facing more criticism for taking a vacation to the cayman islands over the thanksgiving break. in the meantime, only 3800 of the state's 700,000 uninsured successfully have signed up for health care. maryland is one of only 14 states that decided to run its own exchange. jon: cayman islands sounds good during this extreme weather alert. powerful snowstorm slamming parts of the midwest and northeast. messy weather causing some terrible accidents on the roads, including a 30 car pileup in
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wisconsin. the storm dumping as much as eight inches of snow in some areas but the big concern now, the freezing temperatures and ice. david lee miller is live in our plaza with more. david? >> here in new york city, temperature is now inched up to 36 degrees, a very light rain, no snow in midtown manhattan but throughout the northeast, it's been a very rough 24 hours. just outside of new york city, in greenwich, connecticut on i-95, the last few hours there was a 20 car collision that closed the southbound lane of i-95. and in philadelphia, there were 8 1/2 inches of snow reported at the airport and to put that in context, that is more snow than the city received all of last year. there was also a fatal crash on the pennsylvania turnpike involving more than 50 cars. motorists were stranded up to seven hours. pennsylvania department of transportation says it was simply taken by surprise. >> what we're seeing is that there's really been a 360 with
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the storm. we've prepared for a storm that was going to be a spreading storm, isolator. that's how we were strategizing but it dent work out that well. came two hours earlier, a lot of snow, temperatures dropped. we have our full complement in now so right now we're in the plowing operation. we'll have to continue that because we're getting a lot of snow, an inch an hour starting from the early noon hour. >> further south in maryland, i-81 was closed for several hours following a series of jackknifes by tractor trailers. take a look at this photo. one truck trying to avoid cars spun out of control and ended up in the median. it was hit by another tractor trailer and others trying to avoid the crash, ran off the road. the highway was closed for more than three hours while the drivers could just wait for conditions to improve. >> i'm being very zen about it. stuck in a snowstorm, need to go somewhere and pick a few people up but there's nothing we can do. it's most important just to be safe and chill. >> across country, 1,000 flights
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already cancelled today, many originating from dallas-fort worth but that creates a ripple effect across the country and this prewinter storm also left many folks in the dark. thousands and thousands without power as far south as mississippi and the weather this weekend, simply got so bad that folks in philly watching the eagles beat the detroit lions could barely watch the game. in the words of a 27-year ticket holder, he said i've never seen snow at a game like this. in his words again, it kept coming down. at this hour, jon, looks like conditions are improving but another storm moving up the northeast coast. back to you. jon: that was something watching that game. hard to believe they even threw the ball at all. david lee miller outside on the plaza. thanks. jenna: capitol hill hard at work but can they reach a budget deal before the holiday break? that's one of the goals they have. we have an update.
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plus our nation's spy chief coming under fire after lawmakers say he lied under oath so could charges be coming against james clapper? dentures are very different to real teeth. they're about 10 times softer and may have surface pores where bacteria can multiply. polident kills 99.99% of odor causing bacteria and helps dissolve stains. that's why i recommend polident. [ male announcer ] cleaner, fresher, brighter every day.
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jon: new information on the tragic school shooting in newtown, connecticut last year. officials a short time ago asking the media to respect the privacy of the town's still grieving residents just days before we mark one year since the massacre at sand ry hook elementary school. sglot community needs time to be alone and reflect on our past year without a camera or microphone. there's an emotional and economical toll when the media descends on us. we respectfully request that you allow us a time of peace and
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quiet. jon: 20 young children and six educators were killed last december 14. jenna: another tough holiday. in the meantime, capitol hill trying to hammer out a budget deal before the holiday break. we have a live look now at what is gloomy weather around washington, d.c. lawmakers say despite the gloominess, they're optimistic about a deal and avoiding another government shutdown. mike is live on capitol hill with more on this. mike? >> well, jenna, everybody i've talked to said they're close to a budget deal but not there just yet. patty murray is the chair of the senate budget committee. her counterpart, paul ryan, the republican, is the house budget chairman. they're the key players and they set a friday deadline to get a budget agreement done. this is thought to be a critical week with the senate returning from their recess. ryan murray and the staff keep
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talking. >> the key is we not have another government shutdown, we do keep the spending cuts in place, we don't raise taxes at a time when the economy is still weak and i think we can accomplish that the next couple of days. >> a new wrinkle is a push by democrats to extend unemployment benefits. they're due to run out for 1.3 million americans on december 28. and since any budget agreement will likely require a lot of democratic votes in both the house and senate, they like this part of the budget deal or at least a side agreement for an extension. >> negotiating are making progress, moving in the right direction. they haven't closed the deal but i certainly hope as part of it, that the negotiators will take to heart what the president had to say. there are working families across america that are struggling. there are unemployed families who need a helping hand. we've got to protect and preserve the safety net in america and give the working
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families a fighting chance. >> when you consider the atmosphere here on capitol hill, expectations were for a modest budget deal at best. we are now hearing that could be narrowing from there so we will soon find out if they can reach even a mini budget agreement this week. jenna: i like a mini budget agreement. we'll see if they can do it. thank you. jon: some damaging allegations against a top member of the obama administration. james clapper is accused of knowingly lying to congress about the n.s.a. spy program. should he face charges? also a new bride accused of a cold blooded murder. prosecutors say she pushed her husband off a cliff to his death just days after their wedding. now the newlywed murder trial is getting underway. our legal panel weighs in next. [ paper rustles, outdoor sounds ]
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♪ [ male announcer ] laura's heart attack didn't come with a warning. today her doctor has her on a bayer aspirin regimen to help reduce the risk of another one. if you've had a heart attack, be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen.
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jon: pressure mounting on the head of america's intelligence agency's james clapper. the original author of the pay receipt on the act says the director of national intelligence should be prosecuted. the congressman says clapper lied when he said this. >> does the n.s.a. collect any type of data at all on millions or hundreds of millions of americans? >> no, sir. >> it does not? >> not wittingly. jon: our chief intelligence correspondent is live in washington for us so what new are we learning this morning, katherine? >> thank you, jon. fox news has confirmed that the congressman is calling for the director of national intelligence to be prosecuted for lying to congress. the congressman saying the law should be upheld and no one, not
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even a senior political employee should be given a pass. quote, the only way laws are effective is if they're enforced, if it's a criminal offense and i believe mr. clapper has delivered a criminal defense. earlier today the congressman telling fox news that the obama white house is also to blame for the domestic surveillance scandal. >> what the n.s.a. has done with the administration's concurrence simply turn that on the hem and then go the security route and forget about the civil liberties and constitutional route. a balance is needed and my bill does that. >> the head of the n.s.a. will be testifying before the judiciary committee before the senate, jon. jon: what has secretary clapper said in his own defense? >> well, the director of national intelligence has long complained about testifying public the about the threats facing the u.s. as well as the sources and methods used by the intelligence committee to
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mitigate those threats. in an interview with nbc news shortly after that controversial exchange, d.n.i. collector said he has great respect for the felt the senator's question was unfair. i was asked when are you going to stop beating your wife kind of question which is not answerable in a yes or no. and it seems whether or not it's d.n.i. clapper or general alexander, they use this definition of collection which is rather, it has to be not only the collection or the interception of americans' email traffic and phone records but also accessing the content which would not necessarily be the traditional definition of collection, jon. jon: our chief intelligence correspondent, thank you. jenna: she says it was an accident. prosecutors say she's a cold blooded killer who purposely
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pushed her newlywed husband off a cliff. today she's going to trial for his murder. joining me now, a former prosecutor and a criminal defense attorney. nice to have both of you today. it's going to be quite a case and it's quite a story. you say, though, her side of the story is implausible. why? >> if you're a newlywed, you're supposed to be happy and love. we get that. maybe not everybody is. but to say the day this happened, she did not push him over a steep cliff that he was standing on the edge of, instead she was trying to push his arm off hers because they were in the middleeof the argument and then she doesn't call the authorities for three whole days. even if they were in an argument and even if she was trying to push him off, if your spouse calling the police, plain and simple. jenna: what do you think of her defense as it looks right now?
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>> well, i don't think -- this girl is 22. i don't think that any 22-yeer-old would know to call the police immediately. i think they probably freaked out, whether it was an accident or not but i think her defense is strong because the government is going to have to disprove that this was an accident. that's very hard when there's absolutely no eyewitnesss to this. jenna: and there's not and there's only a few text messages beeore this happened. apparently, jordan, that's the name of the broid, said if you don't hear from me, you know come looking. one can't really take from that that she was thinking about killing her husband or perhaps maybe even felt threatened by her husband which is what he maintains. it wasn't a good relatiinship. he grabbed her, she pushed him off. she didn't mean to push him but he fell off the cliff. >> we have a lot of people in jail for the rest of their lives even though there was not an eyewitness to the crimes they eventually get convicted of. number one. number two, i thinkkin this day
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and age, we teach our 5-year-old to call 911. to say a 22-year-old didn't know how to dd it is not going to fly with the jury. apparently now there's going to be expert testimony tooprove that the way that her husband fell, i.e. face first, would indicate that physicclly, he had to be pushed from behind. so when you take her stupid story and her stupid statements and you combine them with the physical evidence that the prosecution will have before it, i think it's case closed for jordan graham. jenna: a couple of things also brought out. we'll see how they come up in the trial. there's a report from the aily news that jordan threatened herr parents in the weeks before that showing some aggression. there's also this sort of random report about what some say could be a blindfold. maybe this guy was blindfolded and she pushed him off. we don't know how this is going to come up in the trial but to % her point, is this girl's story just stupid and is she going to prison? >> i don't think her story is great but what we've got to remember at trial is we've got one eyewitness to this incident
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and that's her. she's the only one that will be testifying at triil as an eyewitness to what happened. everything else that the prosecution is able to bring in is guessing after the fact. they're mooday morning quarterbacking what happened when jordan is the only person who is actually there and can recount what happened. so it's going to come down to credibility, whether or not the juuy believes her and believes her story. jenna: we''llsee if the husband can speak from the grave. he's the other one that was there but is gone because of what happened on that night, whatever indeed happened. look forward to having you bbck as we llarn more about this case. thank you so much. >> thank you. jon: the guy who is called the architect of obamacareeraising eyebrows over the weekend when he saiddthe problems with the rollout are a matter of promotion, not performance. debates. plus the final farewell to nelson mandela as world leaders arrive in south africa to honor his memory.
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jenna: the president is on his way toosouth africa to attend a memorial service for nelson we're just learring now that the president issexpected to speak as part of theeprogram. in the eantime, funeral preparations are underway in south africa as the countryypays its final respects to the anti-apartheid leader.
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here is more. >> thaa's right. the world s coming to ssuth africa. that's what the government here says and there's a little rain tonight as you cannprobably see and hear behind me, spirits are security is gearing up. 11,000 troops ann police are ready for over 700heads of state and other figures who are coming. president obama as you know, former presidents geooge w. bush as well as clinton nd carter all going to attend the memorial service alonn witt tens of late today we watched the fellow leader here to visit the family. earlier we caught up wwth a grandson of nelson mandela. check out how he is barking his >> thereeis mourniig here but there is joy. the grandson of nelson mandela
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here in this noisy crowd, the band playing, people are fallen leaaer but also joyful about what happened. nelson mandela spent for of his life, thhy were mournful but sleb -- celebratory. emotion we've seen the last couple of days and we've only seen the peginning of it. nelson mandela will lle in state sundayy n his home villaae about 500 miles away. a long, emotiinal wwek. back to you. indeed. thank you. jon: new claims that the real problem with obamacare is just -pbad p.r. chief obamacare architect ezekieal emmanuel saying the
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the administtation just has to do aabettee job getttng that pessage out. listen. >> nn oneehas aunched a bbg p.r. campaign to get these people signed up beeause of the problems with the federal website. we are about to launch a big p.r. campaigg and that, iithink, peopleeto siin upp let's ask the conttibuting job? pditor and writer for the american conssrvative may go sglen. alan colmes is he host of thh alln colmes show and author of thank the liberals for saving america. is it just a matter of bad p.r.? >> to a large extent it is. i don't think they've done a good job selling it and the media has only wanted to feature tte 3% to 5% of people not haaiig theebbst time of the affoodable care acc. the fact is that 95% of thooe who are in it are not being negatively affected. very fee media outlets, forr pxamplee have shown in the red
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states, 25 red states, they''e not done as good of a job 3 implemenning it buu in the blue states, they've done a much better job and peoole are much happper with it. jim: "new yorkktimes" has done, i guess, the addvcatts of obamaaare a service in ttotting out profiies of people ho have been helppd by tte prrggamm >> righh. there you have it. there's the plln in action. the titanic saint bbt fp we get a good p.r. campaign, e'lll convince people made it across was the iceberg. governor oomalley of maryland, democrat, fired hhs head of obamacare implementation a few days aag. meanwhile, nobody in the -padministration is being fiied. that explains why they're still having problems, why you see tte over the country, about how the% program is not working evenn though the ainstrram media % have, as you suggested with the "new york timess and i would aad
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"the washington post" and as groucho marx coulddsay, who me oo your ownneyes??3 e? jon: cedarr sinai are gging to >> theemedia is focussing almost exclusively on the neeative stories about attfordabll care act. they're hardly covering -- the "new yook times" is promoting most people who are gettinggit, most people in the country, in -pfact, aae positive ssories. it's the negative stooies they'rr fissing ouu to keep the narrative going that helps thee whatever they''e tryinggto sell. jon: all riggt. trying to undermine obamaaare? >> no. i think given the fact that probably 80% or 90% of themm suppprted ppesidenttobama and
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voted for his re-election and have taken very opportunity to the same mainstream media that completely smothered republicans on the government shutdoww a few months ago. >> you ay calllme alan if you media than pro lefttor pro right. it is the story that's helping % to promote the medda. media is not getting the right. -poil innthe gulf of meeico sta3 in thh ground aad dddn't leak into theewaterrlike theeb.p. oil spill. >> t'' not he tie tan particular. itpill and over time,,you hhve more people whoo of september forrthe affordable care act than signed up in the entire onth of october. that needs to be reported. jon: then there's the anchor wh% pent on the show ooee the weekend anddsaid this. the word obamacare was conccived by a group of weaathy hite menn whooneeded a way tt put themselvvs aboov aad apart fromm
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a black mann o render him iiferior and unequal and to 3 diminish is accomplishments. supposed to bring o minn the % use of the n word but at any workedd alln? >> i don't see racism innthe % word bamacare but it was % initially aateem that waa sed py freeeom works, the big party. "new york times" did a story last year that talked about the people in congress who used it the moot aad they are michhlle bachman, rick ssntorum, newtt ginnrich and the resident then embrrced it. he did a smarr ttinn. and said obama oes caree >> melissa harris used the phrase herself just two weeks obviously she goo the message,
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now they're having tt retreat from it againn jon: we'll have you backk gain. thank you. jenna: a dramatic rescue after a -pdeer falls through the ice.. we have thh tape anddthe details how the annmallgot free. -pone of the students came up wt thaa'' next.s machine. annouatre whh vae. n
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this is a ttst. this is a test. this s a ttst. phis is a testt 3 phis is a testt 3 this is a +++9. % itmst or noojshin ll thhcthecngt foric.e i'vngn y.
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mommnttago,,disgraced ormmr san dieeo mayor bob filner began hhs ssntence or being senttnced to home confinement which will -pbegin shootly. see if i can get thht ouu. camppign eventt or at city hall. former mayor will get three months of home confine many, %- mental health treatmeet. hisstime in offiie and now he'll fiid out tte consequences on thh pllegations. to texas, ooks are getting winter waalop. here issthe thiig for them. ii's a remote controlled noo -pplow. ttey say eventually it willlbee pble to run onnits own uuing g.p.s.
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joining us on theephooeeis a 3 unnversity who ii one of thoss who helped invent this mission. thii was art offa class assiggment or hat? of aayear lonn deeiggnproject where we were given the ttsk to deeigg and build this snow plow% jon: it'ssradio controlled. you have to stand in the parking pot with it riigt now? pight now it's radio controlled but in a couplleof weeks, we'll -pbb instrumenting it with a on its own. jon: do you see a potential future? >> in the past coupll of wweks,, pooring mmchine. we really seeethhs thing becoming somethinn ttat coull be marketabll to anyone from thee elderly tt the disableddto yoor
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thing from is garage.ntrol this jon: one of the ttings that havvng to shovel snoo at the % house when iiwas kid. shovelled now.% some good to gee oot there and actually push some snow arouud, nick? >> i think it's good for everyone. jenna: nick, you didn't have y back there. you should have just saidd no. itts okayyfor some people.% cclifornia, i don't kknw. this is a cool inveetion, though. do you thiik you would use it n gaaoline?attery powered orr >> this thhng runs on -- we ave five atteriee oo thhre, four of -pwhich are onnected together give us 24 volts nd then make pontrolling the bbade and the blade angle. jon: how uch ife wouud you get from a charge ann do ou know anyyhing about the prrjectedd
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coss onne this thing -- hat well, onnone charge we're seeeng bout an hour of run time jeenaa youusaid it as neeative fiiee is ttat right, where yyu >> yeah.t now? is there eeer a point wheee the weather gets too cold, wherr t p> cold weatherr ww'll see somee decreaas in battery life and dependdnn on whether the ponnitionns re snowyy,we might sse a couple of problems with the eleccrical systems about the given a prooer cooer and proper insulatioo, ittwill rrn at any given temperature. jennn: hoo oll are yyo? >> i'm 233
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i don't knoo if you can see the screen. ddsttoyycan'' see the screee buu yyah, featured isspaul nelson, myyelf, att canttn and clay. penna: good ventures. >> thanks. jenna: very cool. we'll continue to watcc.% peopll say a lot about educatio% in this country..3 looo at hem. jon: practical aspects offan pngineering decree. -pjjnna: a bbg hhnor for a into thh hall of fame. innucted full story next onnthat..3 looks vey seriius in ttatt picture. offcourse, quite a coach with %--plast night honors, billy jo all the highlights next..3
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amputattd his own arm to save his life? thaa ggy has now been arrested on domestic violence charges. accooding to court documents, aaron rrlston was booked onn also taken in on the same 33 charges. ralston, you miihh recall, cut off hii rm in 2003 to ffree hiiself fter he was trappedd% beneath a bouuder. he dettiled hhs strugglessin a book later adapted into a movie "127 hours.. jennaa in todaa's foxx411, staa studded event in washington, ddc. last night. legendarr performers billy joel pnd hirley mc lane juss sooe of arts. hhre is the latest on tths.% >> uite a mix of arttsts jazzztt operr, the diverse % and
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dwroup of hnoreeesannual celebration rocked the kennedy center on sunday, kicking off with a tribute to carlos santaaa -pwho learnne english, by the w, partssy by watching ameeican television. and keepiig with the laaiio -ppheme, supreme court justice s the first hisppnic member of tte nation'sshighest coort and shee% was there, introddcinggopeea other mu significantt who % 73-yeer-old and thht is notthim, ssart at the piano at agg sevvn. %--pawards and biil o'reelly lee arrtit.out as a remarkable snoop dog paai hhm tributt wwth aarap numbbr shouting you kkow % we oveeyou, baby. phank you for creatiig hip hop.
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dominatee by musicians was award nighh came during a tribute to billy joel wwoss songs were -pdescriieedas a sound rack fo perfoomance of joel's song "good %--pveterans came on ssaaeeto s along assgarth brooks sang the ttgethee." takk alisten. ♪ >> giies you chiils. at the enn, all he veterans hh gave a salute right bacc.%nd %pphe auudence couldn't resist
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-pyour arms, riggt, when you''e watchinn thht ith all the veterans? billy joel issaa nccedible amerrca's, you know, greatest a talent.% anotter bii hooor for some of ze celur
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i am bbll hemmer. 3 >> and i am allsyn cameerta. some peopll rying to sign up >> anddout off occet ccstt inn% some states. >> chris stilewart is with us.. >> hi, ally.. p> nowwthat the website s working better ann a windoo -pshopping elementt were eeple can see. %ne cooule as ciork times might a


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